Our customers' most frequently asked questions are, "Why is my bill so high?" and "Why is my water usage so high?"
Below are some questions you should answer before calling our customer service number. Alternatively, you can sign up today for WaterSmart to receive alerts about current usage, learn ways to identify costly leaks, and contribute to water conservation.

Do you have a leak?
The most common cause for high usage is usually a water leak. To help determine if this is the cause, you can check the leak indicator on the meter. "How to Check For Leaks"
Do you have new landscaping, grass, or plants?
Establishing new sod, landscaping & plants requires a great deal of water in the beginning. If your usage is higher than usual during this billing cycle, this could be the cause.
Have you increased the frequency or duration in which you water your yard?
Running a typical sprinkler from a standard 5/8” hose for 1 hour can use about 1,020 gallons. If you water by hand, a 5/8” hose can use 32 gallons in 5 minutes. The Texas Water Company has a Year-Round Watering Schedule, and during times of drought, it is best to restrict landscape irrigation. Learn more about Drought Management.
If you have an irrigation system, did you change the timer?
During a power outage, irrigation timers can reset and cause your system to run continuously. Mis-programmed irrigation timers are a primary cause of high water usage. Also, ensure your sprinkler heads are correctly installed. Improperly installed sprinkler heads can use more water.
If you have a pool, did you fill it during this billing cycle?
The average 21’ round pool with a depth of 48” holds 13,500 gallons. Swimming pools can lose up to an inch of water dailyshower depending on wind intensity, humidity, and sunlight.
Do you have a water softener?
A faulty timer or stuck solenoid may waste hundreds of gallons of water per day. "Water Softeners"
Did you have extra house guests during this billing cycle?
A typical person can use about 150-200 gallons per day. Water usage from additional guests can add up quickly.
Below are examples of appliances and their typical water usage.
Activity | Usage |
Water Efficient Toilets | 1.6 - 3.5 gallons per flush |
Standard Toilets | 3.5 - 7 gallons per flush |
An average Shower lasting 8.2 minutes | 21 gallons |
Standard Bathtub | 30 - 80 gallons |
Dishwashers | 7 - 15 gallons |
Washing Machines | 40 - 60 gallons |
Low Usage
If you feel you use more water than your bill shows, your meter could have a problem. Just like every other piece of equipment, a meter can stop functioning.
When this occurs, the meter typically slows down and does not register the water traveling through the meter. This can cause your usage to be lower than what you are using. Meters can be tested to determine if they are registering the water accurately.
If your usage is below average, please contact TWC to request a meter test.